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Our Mission

Provide remote lifesaving and cost-saving communications in healthcare and critical industries  through our superior, low-cost peripheral devices that provide "Look & Listen Technology" at the point of need which can communicate on an industry-leading, secure, resilient hybrid 5G/SATCOM global network.

Our Story

OPTAC-X was created in July 2021 because there is a real need to use synchronous telehealth to save lives anywhere around the globe and to provide prolonged field care for US Special Operations Forces (SOF) in remote, austere locations. When SOF leadership called the OPTAC-X Team to assist SOF personnel deployed in remote areas  with a battlefield telehealth solution, OPTAC-X's team of experts began working on this lifesaving mission . The OPTAC-X Research and Development team began in early May of 2021 and field trials began shortly there after. What we realized is that the  problem could be solved with a satellite terminal that could handle the bandwidth and latency requirements necessary for a successful remote telehealth consultation. Using satellite communication (SATCOMS) when global wi-fi was not available, this was the solution.


On July 6, 2021 a breakthrough was made after 35 unsuccessful remote field tests using the Auto-Pointing MCD (Mobile Communications Device) 4800 BGAN satellite terminal and the Cobham Explorer 710 BGAN Terminal. A key milestone was achieved  where connectivity was achieved using the Cobham Explorer 710 BGAN Terminal on that day. The results achieved were 6 seconds of connectivity with 6 seconds of latency with the 710 BGAN Terminal. The OPTAC-X R&D Team determined that this was a failure from a telehealth standpoint but proved that a telehealth consultation could be achieved. This was achieved from the farthest satellite orbit, the geostationary orbit, also referred to as a geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO), 22,236 miles) in altitude above Earth's Equator and following the direction of Earth's rotation.


Searching for a team to partner with that produced better results for connectivity and less latency, OPTAC-X and the Kymeta Corporation arranged a field trial on the July 15, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. The collaborative field test achieved complete 1080p connectivity with 30 frames per second and only 500 milliseconds of latency for 45 minutes until stress testing was completed pushing data up and down using cellular and the geosynchronous orbit. This successful field test result and lifesaving achievement has never been accomplished by any telehealth competitor. 


OPTAC-X's telehealth platform is a major disruptor in the telehealth industry. To date, OPTAC-X has achieved over 300 successful telehealth field trials and conducted 3 successful demonstrations with Special Operations Forces located at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. OPTAC-X also successfully deployed our telehealth solution to the African continent in support of a three-month U.S. Army SOF training mission under austere, environmentally challenging conditions. OPTAC-X physicians worked in partnership with U.S. Army physicians to provide 24/7 support using the OPTAC-X Telehealth solution resulting in a successful mission for the SOF personnel and a successful remote field test of our product and physician services.


OPTAC-X proved that remote communication is achieved by using a combination of technologies, innovative ideas, and out of the box thinkers. Most importantly, OPTAC-X proved that remote telehealth could be achieved on the move and stationary to assist in life saving missions anywhere around in the world.  With the partnership between OPTAC-X and Kymeta, a global hybrid LTE/SATCOM network for remote telehealth was created. This solution will lead the global telehealth sector into the future to become the standard for remote telehealth in governments, militaries, and commercial healthcare networks worldwide. 

The OPTAC-X executive and leadership team has designed and managed large-scale telehealth networks and network operations communications centers spanning from the local level to the global scale. The OPTAC-X team has a combined total of over 100 years of commercial healthcare, government healthcare, military and commercial operational experience. Collectively, the OPTAC-X executive team holds Doctorates in Medicine and post graduate degrees from some of the world’s top universities. Our expert leadership team is uniquely qualified and experienced to provide a complete communication solution for your remote telehealth or remote expert needs.

Experienced Leadership

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